7 Steps To Get Super Glue Off Skin, Fingers, Clothing, and Plastic

It happens to everyone.

We use super glue for some home repair, and we get it on our skin, fingers, clothing, or even plastic.

7-Steps To Remove Super Glue Off Skin Or Fingers

In this guide, we’ll go through a few of the most effective strategies to remove super glue

Step #1: Soak in Warm Soapy Water

If you get super glue on your skin, the first thing you should do is immediately soak it in warm soapy water or just warm water if you don’t have soap.

The water will help make the super glue more brittle and easier to peel or remove.

The main ingredient in super glue is cyanoacrylate which is a type of adhesive.

It actually requires a gradual absorption of moisture in order to cure properly, but if it is soaked in water, it actually makes the bond less strong and more fragile.

Do this step for at least 3-minutes but 15-minutes or longer is even better.

Step #2: Rub With Acetone Or Nail Polish Remover

The most effective way to remove super glue is by using acetone which is the main ingredient of nail polish remover.

Many households have nail polish remover and supermarkets (even 7-11) typically have small bottles in stock for a few bucks.

Acetone is a solvent the dissolves super glue so you can rub it off or peel it off.

Just use the acetone sparingly since it is harsh on the skin. You also may want to open a window and ventilate the area.

Pour a little acetone on a rag or paper towel and dab the area with the super glue. If you have stuck fingers, simply drip a bit of acetone in-between the two fingers.

WARNING: Be careful not to get acetone in your eyes or on your lips (or any sensitive area).

Step #3: Rub With Vaseline, Vegetable Oil, Or Lotion

If you don’t have nail polish remover, you can rub the super glue with almost any greasy substance such as petroleum jelly, olive oil, lotion, mineral oil, or even butter.

The oily residue helps break down the strong molecular bonds of the super glue, even though it is slightly less effective than acetone. Simply rub some of the oil or lotion onto the super glue and gently rub it for a few minutes.

If your fingers are stuck together with super glue, insert the oil in-between the fingers and try to push it in. The upside of using a more natural ingredient is that it is less likely to damage or irritate your skin.

Step #4: Peel It Off

If the super glue isn’t coming free or if it isn’t dissolving, you may be able to just lift up the corners and peel it off. Just do it slowly and gently to avoid damaging your skin.

Step #5: Snap Your Fingers If Stuck

If you have super glued your fingers together, move your fingers side-to-side like your want to snap them.

Super glue is very strong tensile strength which is perpendicular to the surface of the skin. However, super glue has weak shear strength which is the parallel section of the glue.

When you try to snap your fingers, the super glue is more likely to break free.

Step #6: Use A Nail File, Fine Sandpaper, Iron Wool, Or Sponge

Another option is to use a nail file, rough side of a sponge, fine sandpaper, or anything abrasive to rub off the super glue.

Removing super glue with this technique is the most harsh to your skin and care should be taken to avoid damage.

Always use the “wet sanding method” which means to use it with water and preferably soap. Simply soak the fine sandpaper, emery board, or sponge in water as well as the area of skin.

The water will make it less abrasive and help protect your skin. Please use caution with this strategy especially if you have sensitive skin.

Step #7: Use Lotion

Always apply some lotion after removing super glue. The lotion will help heal your skin after using any of these methods.

5 Steps To Remove Super Glue From Clothes

It can seem like the end of the world when super glue gets on our favorite clothing.

Fortunately there are a few tricks that can effectively remove super glue and get our clothing back. In this section, I’ll go through some of the most effective ways to get super glue out of clothing.

Step #1: Soak Clothes in Warm Soapy Water

Similar to removing super glue from skin, soak the clothing item in a bucket or sink filled with warm soapy water.

The water will help make the super glue more brittle and easier to peel or remove. Leave the clothing in for at least a few minutes but the longer the better.

Step #2: Rub The Super Glue With A Brush Or Rag

Further soften and weaken the glue bond with a scrub brush, rag, or even a tooth brush. Be gentle and try not to damage the clothing fibers.

Step #3: Use Acetone

Pour a small amount of acetone on the brush or rag.

The acetone is a common solvent and the main ingredient of nail polish remover. Gently rub back and forth until the super glue dissolves. Additional acetone may need to be used.

WARNING: Be careful when using acetone if the clothing item has synthetic fibers because it may stain it.

An easy way to test the acetone is to put a small drop of super glue on an inner seam of the clothing item. And then use acetone on a cotton swab and rub the glue. If the clothing changes color, then you will know it isn’t safe for that item.

Step #4: Use Rubbing Alcohol

If the acetone stains the clothing when you test it, or if you have a synthetic clothing item, try using rubbing alcohol. And just like the acetone, first test it in an inconspicuous area of the clothing such as an inside seam.

Gently rub the area with a brush after pouring or dabbing the rubbing alcohol. The alcohol will help break down the molecular bonds of the super glue.

Step #5: Treat Spot With Stain Remover Or Detergent

Use a stain remover or just dab it with regular detergent. Wash the clothing in a warm wash cycle.

4 Steps To Removing Super Glue From Plastic

It really can spoil a day when you get super glue on a plastic item such as a phone, laptop, or sunglasses.

Plastic can be a bit tricky to work with, but with this simple technique, super glue can be safely removed. Here are the four steps to get super glue off plastic…

Step #1: Test With Acetone

Similar to removing super glue from clothing, acetone or nail polish remover works great when removing glue from plastic. It is essential to test an inconspicuous spot of the plastic to make sure that it won’t damage or change the color (if you care about that).

You can put a small drop of super glue first to make it an even better test. If the acetone doesn’t change the color of the plastic, you can proceed safely.

Step #2: Pour Acetone On Plastic Or Use Rag

Depending on the size of the item, you can pour a little acetone on the plastic or soak a rag or brush.

Step #3: Rub On The Glue Until It Dissolves

Simply rub back and forth on the super glue until it weakens and dissolves.

You may need to repeat this step and add more acetone. Be patient but the glue will eventually come off.

Step #4: Remove Last Bit of Residue

There is typically a last bit of residue on the plastic towards the end of cleaning.

Get a clean paper towel or rag and apply one last bit of acetone in order to get it completely free of super glue.

Final Thoughts

When super glue gets on our skin, clothing, or plastic, it can seem like the end of the world.

But with a few simple techniques and cheap cleaning products, we can get a handle on these sticky situations without an issue.

With skin, just soaking it in water and using nail polish remover can save the day. Clothing can take a bit more rubbing with acetone and you definitely want to test it first so it won’t change the color. And plastic surfaces are typically the easiest since it is already a smooth surface.

It’s essential to work slowly and to try to avoid damage or irritating your skin. If you have any tips or want to share your experience, leave a comment below!

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